Speakers at The Korean Conference on Education (KCE) will provide a variety of perspectives from different academic and professional backgrounds. This page provides details of featured presentations, the conference schedule and other programming. For more information about presenters, please visit the Speakers page.
Conference Outline
08:30-16:30: Pre-Conference Cultural Tour of Historic Incheon
Join fellow conference delegates before the conference for a one-day tour of beautiful and historical Ganghwa Island.
Further information
This is a ticketed event. This event is sold out.
09:45-11:30: Pre-conference Campus Tour
Incheon Global Campus & the University of Utah Asia Campus
This is a free tour open to all registered delegates. This free event is now at full capacity.
Venue: Songdo Convensia
12:00-13:00: Conference Check-in & Coffee | Premier A Lobby (2F)
12:00-13:00: Undergraduate Poster Presentation Session | Premier A & Lobby
- Further Information
13:00-13:10: Announcements | Premier A (2F) & Online
13:10-13:40: Welcome Address & Recognition of IAFOR Scholarship Winners | Premier A & Online
Joseph Haldane, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Gregory C. Hill, University of Utah Asia Campus, South Korea
13:45-14:05: Opening Speech | Premier A (2F) & Online
Wonsok Yun, Commissioner of Incheon Free Economic Zone, South Korea
Jeong-bok Yoo, Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City, South Korea
14:05-14:15: Conference Photograph | Premier A Lobby (2F)
14:15-14:30: Coffee Break | Premier A Lobby (2F)
14:30-15:00: Keynote Presentation | Premier A (2F) & Online
Oh Joon, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
15:00-15:15: Q&A
15:20-16:20: Panel Presentation | Premier A (2F) & Online
Navigating Global Campus Management: Challenges and Innovations
Gregory C. Hill, University of Utah Asia Campus, South Korea
Arthur H. Lee, The State University of New York Korea, South Korea
Joshua K. Park, George Mason University Korea, South Korea
Hugh Schuckman, University of Utah Asia Campus, South Korea (Moderator)
16:55-17:55: Welcome Reception | Premier A Lobby (2F)
Venue: Songdo Convensia
10:00-10:30: Conference Check-in & Coffee | Premier A Lobby (2F)
10:30-10:40: Announcements
10:45-11:45: Panel Presentation | Premier A (2F) & Online
Korea’s Pivotal Role in the World: Challenges and Opportunities in Leadership
James F. Larson, The State University of New York Korea, South Korea
Brendan M. Howe, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Joseph Haldane, IAFOR, Japan (Moderator)
11:50-12:50: Forum Discussion | Premier A (2F) & Online
Global Citizenship: Global Leadership in a Fragmenting World
Brendan M. Howe, Ewha Womans University, South Korea (Moderator)
Apipol Sae-Tung, IAFOR, Japan (Moderator)
12:50-14:00: Lunch Break | Premier A Lobby (2F)
14:00-14:25: Keynote Presentation | Premier A (2F) & Online
A Translingual Approach to Language Ideologies and World Englishes
Jennifer Andrus, University of Utah, United States
14:25-14:35: Q&A Session
14:35-14:50: Coffee Break | Premier A Lobby (2F)
14:50-15:50: Featured Workshop | Premier A (2F) & Online
Korean Buddhist Education and Meditation (Meditation Workshop)
June Han, JustBe Temple, South Korea
16:00-17:00: Conference Poster Session | Premier A Lobby (2F)
19:00-21:00: Conference Dinner
This is a ticketed event
09:30-11:15: National Museum of Word Writing System Tour
This is a free tour open to all registered delegates. Availability is limited and pre-registration is required.
09:30-11:15: Bakmun Girls' High School Tour
This is a free tour open to all registered delegates. Availability is limited and pre-registration is required.
Venue: Songdo Convensia
11:30-12:30: Conference Check-in & Coffee | Main Entrance Foyer (1F)
12:30-14:10: Onsite Parallel Session 1
Room 105: KCE | Contemporary Development Issues in Higher Education
Room 106: KCE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
Room 107: KCE | Learners' Experiences in Higher Education
Room 108: KCE | Digital Innovations in Education
Room 109: KCAH | Teaching and Learning
Room 110: KCAH | Media, Film and Communication Studies
Room 111: KCE | Intercultural Communication
14:10-14:25: Coffee Break
14:25-15:40: Onsite Parallel Session 2
Room 105: KCE | Comparative Issues in Higher Education
Room 106: KCE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
Room 107: KCE | Language Development & Literacy
Room 108: KCE | Nurturing Creativity & Innovation (Symposium)
Room 109: KCE | Language Learning & Literacy
Room 110: KCAH | Arts - Teaching and Learning the Arts
Room 111: KCE | Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis (Workshop)
15:40-15:55: Coffee Break
15:55-17:35: Onsite Parallel Session 3
Room 105: KCE | Sustainable Development in Higher Education
Room 106: KCE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
Room 107: KCAH | Language, Linguistics
Room 108: KCE | AI in Education
Room 109: KCE | Curriculum Development & Practices in Primary & Secondary Education
Room 110: KCAH | Gender in Film & Literature
Room 111: KCE | Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Venue: Songdo Convensia
09:00-09:15: Conference Check-in & Coffee | Main Entrance Foyer (1F)
09:15-10:55: Onsite Parallel Session 1
Room 105: KCE | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Room 106: KCAH | Literature/Literary Studies
Room 107: KCAH | Performing Arts Practices
Room 108: KCAH | Political Science, Politics
Room 109: KCE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
Room 110: KCE | Interdisciplinary Education
Room 111: KCE | Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
10:55-11:10: Coffee Break
11:10-12:50: Onsite Parallel Session 2
Room 105: KCE | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Room 106: KCE | Literature/Literary Studies
Room 107: KCAH | Cultural Studies in Different Perspectives
Room 108: KCE | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Room 109: KCE | Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Room 110: KCE | Inclusive & Special Education
Room 111: KCE | Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment in Education
12:50-13:50: Lunch Break | Main Entrance Foyer (1F)
13:50-15:05: Onsite Parallel Session 3
Room 105: KCE | Art Education
Room 106: KCAH | Narration & Communication Studies
Room 107: KCAH | Performing Arts Practices
Room 108: KCAH | Social, Political & Community Agendas
Room 109: KCE | Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Room 110: KCE | Learning Experiences & Practice
Room 111: No Session
15:05-15:20: Coffee Break
15:20-16:35: Onsite Parallel Session 4
Room 105: KCE | Learning Experiences & Education Policy
Room 106: KCAH | Education, Sustainability & Society
Room 107: KCE | Teaching and Learning
Room 108: KCAH | Religion, Spirituality & History
Room 109: KCAH | Arts Practices
Room 110: No Session
Room 111: No Session
16:35-16:45: Onsite Closing Session | Room 111 (1F)
Venue: Online via Zoom
09:55-10:00: Message from IAFOR
10:00-11:40: Online Parallel Session 1
Live-Stream Room 1: KCAH | Visual and Performing Arts
Live-Stream Room 2: KCE | Curriculum Design & Development
Live-Stream Room 3: KCAH | Education, Sustainability & Society
11:40-11:50: Break
11:50-13:05: Online Parallel Session 2
Live-Stream Room 1: KCE | Teaching and Learning
Live-Stream Room 2: KCE | Innovative Technologies in Education
Live-Stream Room 3: KCAH | Politics and National Identity
13:05-13:15: Break
13:15-14:30: Online Parallel Session 3
Live-Stream Room 1: KCAH | Cultural Studies
Live-Stream Room 2: KCAH | Education & Sustainability
Live-Stream Room 3: KCE | Social & Emotional Communication and Learning
14:30-14:35: Message from IAFOR
Featured Speakers
Jennifer AndrusUniversity of Utah, United States
Joseph HaldaneThe International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
June HanJustBe Temple, South Korea
Gregory HillUniversity of Utah, Asia Campus, South Korea
Brendan HoweEwha Womans University, South Korea
Oh JoonKyung Hee University, South Korea
James F. LarsonThe State University of New York, South Korea
Arthur H. LeeState University of New York, South Korea
Joshua K. ParkGeorge Mason University Korea, South Korea
Apipol Sae-TungThe International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Hugh SchuckmanUniversity of Utah, Asia Campus, South Korea
Featured Presentations
Global Citizenship Education for Sustainable Development: Korea’s PerspectiveKeynote Presentation: Oh Joon
Navigating Global Campus Management: Challenges and InnovationsFeatured Panel Presentation: Greg Hill, Arthur H. Lee, Dr Joshua K. Park, Taejun Han
Korea’s Pivotal Role in the World: Challenges and Opportunities in LeadershipPanel Presentation: Brendan M. Howe, James F. Larson, Joseph Haldane
Global Citizenship: Global Leadership in a Fragmenting WorldForum Discussion: Brendan M. Howe, Apipol Sae-Tung
A Translingual Approach to Language Ideologies and World EnglishesKeynote Presentation: Jennifer Andrus
Korean Buddhist Education and MeditationMeditation Workshop: June Han Sunim
*Please be aware that the above schedule may be subject to change.
Important Information Emails
All registered attendees will receive an Important Information email and updates in the run-up to the conference. Please check your email inbox for something from "iafor.org". If you can not find these emails in your normal inbox, it is worth checking in your spam or junk mail folders as many programs filter out emails this way. If these did end up in one of these folders, please add the address to your acceptable senders' folder by whatever method your email program can do this.
Conference Programme & Abstract Book
The online version of the Conference Programme is now available to view below via the Issuu viewing platform. Alternatively, download a PDF version. The Conference Programme can also be viewed on the Issuu website (requires a web browser). An Issuu app is available for Android users.
The Conference Programme contains access information, session information and a detailed day-to-day presentation schedule.